View Full Version : what light to use ?

Elmar Tewes
September 21st, 2003, 03:41 PM
lets say you would like to light a scene (inside) filmed with the mini35 what is your opinion on light.
how much light do you need ? 3x 150w professional lights ? or 3x 300 or even 500 or 1000 ?
professional lights are quite expensive, what about 3x 300 or 500watt cheap halogen lamps or are professional daylight lamps neccessary ?

Mizell Wilson
September 22nd, 2003, 09:58 AM
Good Morning Elmar,

We'll have to see what the community has to say about this subject but in general you need to be thinking about more lighting.

What we talk about at seminars we do with Canon is that you need to step up from a lighting kit to a lighting package but, luckily, not as far as a lighting truck.

You can always white balance the Halogens and they can be a good choice, I've fudged a few productions with them, but the days of being able to do a shoot with 2 omnis and 2 totas are over, at least with the Mini35. Personally I wouldn't worry so much about the wattage as the overall number of lights i.e. instead of 3 500w think 6 or 7.

The general answer we give is that you have to light as if you were lighting for film, not for video.

Good luck,
