View Full Version : Glidecam 2000... Need Help

Darrell Sullivan
September 20th, 2003, 06:50 PM
I received my Glidecam 2000 Wednesday and finally got a chance to start trying to balance it with my VX2000 today and I am perplexed.

I got it balanced to the point that if it was sitting on a flat surface and facing forward I could pick it up and it stayed pointing directly ahead, no leaning forward, backward, left or right. I also got it to where the drop time was about 2.5 seconds.

But, if the camera should happen to turn to the point that the camera is pointed at 90 degrees from the handle it tips.

So I sat the assembly on a flat service but picked it up with the handle turned to the side of the unit instead of at the back. And sure enough, this way it tilted. But, after getting it balance this way it was no longer balanced when picking it up the "normal" way.

Am I missing something here?
Is there some kind of video somewhere that shows how to balance this thing?
Is there a web site that focuses on this product?

Thanks for the help.

John Steele
September 21st, 2003, 02:11 PM
Hi Darrell, you look to have the same problem I had with my V8 sled in that it balanced OK one way then when the camera spun 180 degrees it was out. The reason for this imbalance is due to all 3 axis not meeting exactly in the centre of the gimbal, I had to add a thin washer to one of the forks on the yoke to solve the problem. The best bet is to speak to David Stevens at glidecam, they know the issue and are probably best to advise. I've written about this problem on dvinfo before so if you do a search it'll turn up.
