View Full Version : A couple of vx2000 questions...

Jay Lovell
March 31st, 2009, 02:26 PM
Hey all, Just want to say thanks in advance to anyone who has anything to offer.
Recently got a vx2000 and have a couple of questions....first off.....I have read the manual a cpl times through and don't see a way, but, doesn't hurt to ask...In order to use the index mark function, must one have the remote control? I mean, I can place marks where I want, but with no remote is it possable to search by index? Bought the cam used with no remote...
My second question is more general than vx2000 specific. I bought a uv filter to help protect the glass, so when I want to use my c-pol filter, should i layer them, or just loose the uv when the c-pol's on? Thanks again for any input.

Boyd Ostroff
April 1st, 2009, 02:09 PM
I have never used the index function, but I *think* you need to buy the (rather expensive) DV tapes which contain a memory chip for this to work. Maybe somebody else can confirm?

Just remember, anything which you place in front of the lens lowers the quality of your image. Personally I never use a UV filter unless in a situation where I'm concerned about damaging the lens. It is definitely not a good idea to stack the filters, you are going to introduce more dust, scratches, reflections and other things to degrade the image. You may also get some vignetting from the rings at the edges, and since the VX viewfinder doesn't show the whole image you won't know until viewing on a professional monitor or your TV.

Mike Hanlon
April 1st, 2009, 08:10 PM
You need a remote to use the Index feature.

The Index Mark function puts the index on the tape (but don't ask me how), not in cassette memory, so you don't need the expensive tapes. See page 62 of your manual.

It is more convenient to search for index marks when you have cassette memory (page 64) as they will be listed on the screen, assuming you know by timecode what you are searching for. It does work without cassette memory (page 65), but you have to scan through each index mark to find the one you want.

I would guess Sony DV decks support the feature.

I don't think its supported by any other manufacturers.


Jay Lovell
April 2nd, 2009, 06:21 AM
Thanks for the advice.....I had read the manual, but just wanted to make sure about the index mark function thing just in case it was one of those things the manual doesn't mention (like the color bars on a vx1000 type thing). As for the filters, I'll just stick to one at a time. Thanks again.