View Full Version : MPEG-4 out put question from FCP

Ron Jones
March 31st, 2009, 07:27 AM
Can’t figure this out—receive 2 QT movie (720x480, DV/DVCPRO-NTSC). They were long author interview which needed to be edited down to smaller clips and then given to my co-worker to put in to flash. The co-worker and I split up the movies (he is working in After Effects). I brought the move in to FCP did my edits and transitions to clips. I was ask to out put as MGEG-4 files.
I exported as a QT move, setting as custom, compressor MPEG-4 Video, 640x480, NTSC (4:3), editing timebase 29.97, Quality 75%. The co-worker used the same setting in AF.

When I open up the MPEG-4 finished files from FCP they looked fine, but when ever I move the the starting point of the movie to a different location in the movie it would take a couple of minutes to catch up before playing and then the sound was out of seek the video had strange art effects appearing. The out put from AE my co-worker did were fine, didn’t have these problems.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks, Ron

Kelley Barry
April 3rd, 2009, 01:01 PM
What is the file size? When I have exported in the past in large video files (1gb or higher) the video and audio were out of sync. And are you playing it in quicktime player?

Ron Jones
April 9th, 2009, 05:29 AM
They are large files 60 megs, and I’m playing it in quicktime player.

Les Wilson
April 9th, 2009, 10:35 AM
What version of FCP are you using?

Export to Quicktime
Export using Compressor
Export using Quicktime Conversion

Which did you use?

The thing about MPEG4 is that there are various ISMA profiles that affect the CODEC that is used. I've had sync problems in the past on long clips. Attached is a screen shot one of the Apple Presets from Compressor that you may want to try or at least start with (if you didn't already).

Also, if you mistakenly set it to add streaming information, you don't need that. It's for streaming server use.

Ron Jones
April 10th, 2009, 09:23 AM

I have version 5.1.4. I’m working with HD 1920x1080 files.
When I exported out of FCP i used, Quicktime movie, custom, MPEG-4

When I tried using compressor no matter what settings I used the rasheo was wrong and squeezed the image.

I’m now exporting, Quicktime movie, Apple intermediate codec 1080i60.
That seems to do the trick.

Thanks, Ron