View Full Version : HMC 154 and Editting

Alaa Ghuniem
March 31st, 2009, 04:41 AM
Dear friend :
I tried to edit the clip I shoot it by HMC 154 first I tried Adobe Pr CS4 but the playback so slow and the editing make me crazy so slow
then I tried Eduis V5 but the same
and the transfer time for the file take more than three time of the ( 30 m video need 1.5 hours to copy it to the HDD )
does any one of you find difficulties in transfer and editing
and what is the best for transfer and the edit
plz help me

Petrus du Toit
March 31st, 2009, 02:05 PM
for best editing results of AVCHD footage with no transcoding, use Vegas Pro 8.0c , (just google for trial version). What is your PC hardware specs?

The following same day edit : . wedding dvd’s ( -was shot with HMC154 and edited with Sony Vegas Pro ...