View Full Version : Canon Console Software 1.1

Ted Sommer
March 30th, 2009, 09:16 AM
Has any one tried to load a camera preset using this software onto a Canon XLH1s?

Chris Hurd
March 30th, 2009, 10:06 AM
Sadly, Console is not compatible with the XL H1A, XL H1S, XH A1S or XH G1S.

That software is pretty much dead in the water, unfortunately.

Mark Job
March 30th, 2009, 10:58 AM
...That's really too bad Chris :-( I thought this software was wonderful except it also lacked an HD resolution timelapse capability. I was *very* critical, however, of the extra retail price tag on this software. Canon Canada retails this software for $800.00 Can. When one pays over $12,000.00 Canadian Dollars for an XL H1, one does not wish to be told they must pay an additional $800.00 for a software which many here considered should have been included in the XL H1 boxed kit. I understand the console software retailed for considerably less in the US. To not make the console software compatible with the rest of the XL line is a head scratcher as far as I'm concerned.

Ted Sommer
March 30th, 2009, 11:39 AM
Since Console is out of the question is there an easy way to match XLH1 and XLH1s cameras on a multi camera shoot? The color scale for the XLH1 cameras go from 1-9 and the XLH1s scale goes from 1-36. I have tried to download presets and load them onto my XLH1s and they are always a little bit off from the same presets loaded onto an XLH1. Does anyone have an easy solution?

Chris Hurd
March 30th, 2009, 12:32 PM
No guarantees, but try this: Canon XL vs. Canon XH Custom Preset adjustment scales by Chris Hurd (

Written for XL H to XH but should apply to H1 vs. H1S as well.

Battle Vaughan
March 31st, 2009, 02:32 PM
Forgive my questioning look, but we use Console (there is a update you download after buying the original disk) on XHA1 cameras with no problem. IMHO the Adobe OnLocation is a lot more useful, if you have access to it, although it doesn't do the preset programming that Console does. Otherwise we were not impressed with Console, particularly for the stunning price, but it does function with our cameras..../Battle Vaughan/ video team