View Full Version : New Combat Videographer here

Charles Mabry
March 25th, 2009, 05:06 AM
Hello to all, Im a Marine Corps Combat Videographer stationed in Camp Lejeune NC. I am VERY new to this job field and I heard this is the place to learn everything I need to know. I have had four months of formal military schooling however, that only scratches the surface of what videographers can actually do.

Im on here to day to introduce myself and ask for any help and advice. I am using the Sony Z1U with Avid Express pro 5.5 . Im always looking for ways to improve my techniques, quality of product, etc.

Please don't hesitate to stop by and put in your two cents.



Chris Hurd
March 25th, 2009, 05:55 AM
Thanks for joining us, Charly, and welcome aboard! Best regards,

Daniel Weber
March 25th, 2009, 06:39 AM
Hello to all, Im a Marine Corps Combat Videographer stationed in Camp Lejeune NC. I am VERY new to this job field and I heard this is the place to learn everything I need to know. I have had four months of formal military schooling however, that only scratches the surface of what videographers can actually do.

Im on here to day to introduce myself and ask for any help and advice. I am using the Sony Z1U with Avid Express pro 5.5 . Im always looking for ways to improve my techniques, quality of product, etc.

Please don't hesitate to stop by and put in your two cents.




Welcome aboard!! There is a lot of information here! The first place would be to reach the archive boards about the Z1. Great camera, not state of the art but it will serve you well. I have one that is 4 years old now and has been around the world countless times. Very rugged and durable.

Here's your first lesson. Don't change batteries on the camera with the power switch turn on. You will blow the fuse in the camera. Always turn the camera off to change batteries.

Second lesson. Assign your button #1 to turn your image stabilization off/on. This is done in the menu. I still love this feature. On my EX1 it is much harder to turn the image stabilization off and on.

Good luck and have fun learning..

Daniel Weber

P.S. Third lesson. Just go out and shoot like crazy. It's the best way to learn how to use the camera!!!