View Full Version : Will long form (ie weddings, speaches) have glitches?

Mike Petrucco
March 25th, 2009, 04:35 AM
I was doing some reading over on the other forum and found some discussion on this. It looks like since the HMC uses FAT32, it has a maximum 4GB file size, so if you are recording in PH, and your clip is longer than ~21 minutes, you have a separate file for each 4 GB segment. When you place these on the timeline, they are saying that there will be a glitch at each break. A user there put together a tool to join them without the "glitch", and you can do it in terminal on a mac.

Have any of you encountered this? I am going to have to do some testing on it to see for myself.

Mark Von Lanken
March 25th, 2009, 07:53 AM
Hi Mike,

I have experienced it as well at the 4 gb mark. If I remember correctly, there was about 15 frames missing. When you use the rejoin patch, they come back. What a relief. I'm not sure how it works, I'm just glad it does.

Yang Wen
March 25th, 2009, 08:13 AM
Panasonic needs to come out with a new firmware that automatically links the disjointed segments to one proxy file on the SD card... such that when work with the proxy file, you are totally removed from needing to be aware that there are disjointed segments..

Mark Von Lanken
March 25th, 2009, 08:17 AM
Hi Yang,

I agree.

Tom Alexander
March 25th, 2009, 11:15 AM
In the mean time, here's a tool that will join the clips seamlessly.

.mts clip join tool (

Brendon Costello
March 25th, 2009, 09:48 PM
What if the clips are played directly from the camera? Do they still glitch?

Tom Alexander
March 25th, 2009, 10:55 PM
What if the clips are played directly from the camera? Do they still glitch?

No, it shouldn't happen there. My understanding is that the "glitch" happens as a result of the NLE's not putting the clips together properly. There is no actual problem with the clips themselves.

Abraham Texidor Sr.
March 26th, 2009, 05:49 PM
This mts clip join tool worked like a charm.

Thank you very much!!

Brendon Costello
March 27th, 2009, 10:42 AM
No, it shouldn't happen there. My understanding is that the "glitch" happens as a result of the NLE's not putting the clips together properly. There is no actual problem with the clips themselves.

That's good, because a lot of my business involves simply exporting from my cam to a miniDV tape.