View Full Version : CS4 Updater warning

Battle Vaughan
March 24th, 2009, 02:53 PM
Apparently there is a problem with some--not all--installations of XP with the Adobe Updater Version 6, which can cause a big headache (read about it here: Error "Adobe Setup has stopped working," when attempting to install updates for Adobe CS4 products (Windows Vista) ( Although the Adobe Knowledegebase article mentions Vista, it also affects XP. Oddly, the current updater works fine in my Vista computer...go figure...

I ran it on a Dell laptop with Dell OEM XP PRO SP3, and it ate my CS4 Production Suite installation...if you get a message saying the update failed, continue install? --- DON'T! It corrupts the files it's updating. Adobe's advice to delete the updater files and do a removal and install was a disaster --- CS4 Suite re-installed with numerous errors. Fortunately I have an external clone drive and was able to dump the whole drive and install the clone, but it could have been much worse. I am able to install the individual updates, downloaded direct from Adobe without using Updater, with no problem. My updater was ver. 6.0.2.

Just a warning. Apparently this only affects some OEM versions, but it's a bad problem for which Adobe at present cannot define a cause. / Battle Vaughan / video team