View Full Version : Formatting a replacement MBP drive

Peter Newsom
March 21st, 2009, 05:29 PM
I getting ready to replace the hard drive in my 2007 era MBP with a 320G, 7200rpm, drive. I'll also make the move from 10.4.11 to Leopard.

When formatting this drive, should I make two compartments or just use the whole thing?

The current primary use for this computer is cutting daily news stores in the field, using FCP. I shoot XDCamHD, and export finished MXF files to an FTP site. I typically wipe old stories off the drive every couple of weeks to make room for the new ones.

Would I get less fragmentation by having one compartment for the OS and applications and another for data?

I realize that having a separate drive is better for data, but I have had no problems doing this sort of editing on the primary. I use external drives for larger projects.

Are there any other issues I should be aware of moving to Leopard?



Andy Mees
March 22nd, 2009, 08:00 AM
I wouldn't recommend a separate partition for data necessarily but you might want to consider a second partition for Time Machine backup purposes ... if you're cutting news in the field its comforting to know you can roll back to a working system if and when something goes awry.
Just remember to exclude your XDCAM Import Location, Capture Scratch, Render Directories etc from the backup

Peter Newsom
March 23rd, 2009, 07:32 PM
Thanks Andy,

I hadn't thought of Time Machine. The only thing is, that I was kind of cramped on the160G drive that came with it, and it seems like I would be back in that situation if I double everything for backup.

I might look into an external case for the original drive, and use it as backup.

Everything has been very solid under 10.4.11, I hope that continues with 10.5.6.