Anthony Auci
March 21st, 2009, 04:02 PM
I currently have a dvx100a and had a hg10 the hd is on its way out so I cant trust it. So I figure I would try tape since im use to the workflow. My friend bought his hv20 over and we shot a little. I used the canon WA adapter I had from the hg10. The first thing I noticed was the video didnt look very sharp and there was also this zig zag type of thing(see pics) Now I shoot my dvx in 30p all the time if I shoot the hv30 in 30p will I not get that and I read somewhere the wa adapter blocks the AF sensor is this true and is there a work around?
Bo Sundvall
March 21st, 2009, 05:53 PM
The zig zag lines, as you call it, are artifacts showing up when you watch interlaced video on a computer monitor. If you watch the video on a TV it will dissapear. There are two ways to get rid of them on a computer display. Either film in progressive/frame mode, or deinterlace your footage before you watch it on the computer. With the HV20/HV30 you are able to film progresive. As you say, with your DVX you film progressive and thats the reason these interlace lines doesn't show up.
Anthony Auci
March 21st, 2009, 06:08 PM
Ok, thats why that was new to me. Thank you.Now im just wondering about WA lens effecting sharpness.
Dana Love
March 22nd, 2009, 07:40 PM
It will reduce sharpness. How much is a function of the quality of the WA lens.
There is extra processing in the conversion to progressive, which isn't overly complex but does add time to your workflow.