View Full Version : Copywrite images in EPK's: yes-yes or no-no ?

Ken Beals
March 15th, 2009, 06:51 PM
Am currently working on an EPK (electronic press kit) for a local Queensryche tribute band.

My main contact in the band wants to intro the epk video with images the original Musicians used during their Operation:Mindcrime concerts circa early 90's.

The band has some great photos of them performing along with a logo (The Ryche) which i was planning to use in the 15 sec. whiz-bang intro.

My concern is using copywrited images without permission. The contact feels that as long as they are not "selling" the epk , no problems with copywrite. why take the risk of legal issues ?

Any copywrite experts know if this is a yes-yes or a big no-no ?

thanks ~


here's link 2 their MySpace that has a rough cut clip of one song we'll use along with the Logo :
THE RYCHE on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads (

Richard Alvarez
March 15th, 2009, 06:59 PM
Strictly speaking, 'sales' has nothing to do with determining copyright infringement. You infringe when you copy. Period. Distribution just increases the damages. (Nobody 'sells' the images they post on Youtube, but they get pegged for infringement nonetheless)

Some might argue 'fair use' - some might laugh at that argument.

So yeah, if you don't have permission, then it's an infringement. Now comes the legal question of 'exposure'. What are the odds that you'll be sued for infringement? How comfortable are you with assuming that risk?

Ken Beals
March 15th, 2009, 07:16 PM
"So yeah, if you don't have permission, then it's an infringement. Now comes the legal question of 'exposure'. What are the odds that you'll be sued for infringement? How comfortable are you with assuming that risk?"


I'm not comfortable at all actually. Interesting side note about this band....due to key people in their network they are a mere couple degrees of separation from the actual Queensryche band .... not good for the orig. band to see them as copywrite to speak.

Thanks Richard for your response.

Adam Gold
March 15th, 2009, 10:11 PM
Copyright. Copyrighted. Not copywrited or copywritten.

It has nothing to do with writing, unless you're at an ad agency. Then I suppose it is copywriting, but that's a whole 'nother thing.

Ken Beals
March 15th, 2009, 11:13 PM
am usually pretty good at the spelling part and recall thinking it looked kinda funny....thanks for the spell check Adam.

Edward Phillips
March 16th, 2009, 10:33 AM
I really think a good motto to go by with copyright doubts is "guilty until proven innocent". Assume you are infringing until you can, without a shadow of a doubt, prove you have the rights to use something.