View Full Version : Condors DesJardin

Brendan Marnell
March 15th, 2009, 10:24 AM
For all who might be thinking that SLR is the way to go ...

Views of an immature and adult in flight. First is an immature winged tagged #57 soaring, and the second is an adult wing tagged | the Internet Bird Collection (

Brendan Marnell
March 16th, 2009, 03:43 AM
Looking foward to seeing lots of Arrivals & Departures (via Don) ... you can check them against this Passport photo ...

Gilles Debord
March 26th, 2009, 05:10 AM
Hi Brendan

Really very good footage, i don't have the same results. In the next days i post new Gyps fulvus in flight, but the video is not crispy.
Thanks for your post.


Brendan Marnell
March 26th, 2009, 10:40 AM
Hello Gilles

These condor clips are the work of our star contributor Don DesJardin ... I'm not really sad about it, just jealous, but we are indeed fortunate to have someone out there who is chasing and capturing this sort of footage ... You'll find lots of work by him at

Don DesJardin | the Internet Bird Collection (

Re the condors I asked Don how these beautiful birds are protected from trigger-happy trophy-hunters and he replied

.... "Anyone caught shooting these guys, will find that there is going to be heavy fines and jail time awaiting them. See the attached maps, and you will see that my secret location is not exactly a secret location. Our US Fish & Wildlife Service advertise the fact that even the refuge, about 5 miles away from where I got my shots, is closed to the public, you are welcome to view the condors from the edge of the road. In fact they have set aside special viewing areas with information about the condors. Even though my location is outside the refuge, it's still my duty not to harass or press these birds to get the shot."

He also sent me these maps ... I look forward to your next Gyps fulvus (I'm hoping to video some in Spain next month)

Gilles Debord
March 26th, 2009, 02:35 PM
Hi Brendan

Vultur video is online, if you wish i can give you some good places for birds and Vultur in Northern Spain. I return in May for the "Quebrantahuesos" a mythical bird.
next week i post: Podiceps cristatus, Fulica atra, Panurus biarmicus. Spain is a good place but take your time. Aragon, Extremadure & Castilla y Léon are the best for birds.

But for the moment i have to work.


Brendan Marnell
March 27th, 2009, 09:16 AM
But for the moment i have to work.


The perennial "Irish problem" is that we tend to drag each other to the pub with twisted proverbs like, "Work is the curse of the drinking classes!"

I enjoyed your 3 vulture clips, the Montfrague one in particular.

I have emailed you for directions to good vulture flight locations in western Castilla y Leon; I will be in Miranda do Douro for a few days in the middle of next month before going to Monfrague for 2 weeks.

Gilles Debord
March 27th, 2009, 12:31 PM

I have sendYou a private mail with some informations. Aragon (Vulturs) and Castilla y Léon aquatic birds. If you are with a car have a look in Northern Aragon the places are on your private mail, the turning is not long.
