View Full Version : The new KA-MR100 media recorder (XDCAM EX)

Simon Glidewell
March 15th, 2009, 09:41 AM
Hello all,

Does anyone know if the new KA-MR100 XDCAM EX media recorder will work with the GY-HD111E and the GY-HD110E cameras? If so how does it plug into the camera if you use a V-lock battery system? Also does the DR-HD100 hard disc drive work with the above cameras? Likewise, how does this attach to the camera with a V-lock battery system? Can these two media recorders, plus batteries be attached to the above cameras at the same time, like the GY-HD200 series? Sorry about all my questions recently but we are working to a tight budget and need to find the best GY-HD price/accessory combination. Any help would be great!

Many thanks

Robert Rogoz
March 15th, 2009, 11:36 AM
Simon, I have GY-HD100 and it also works with DR-HD100. So I would assume your GY110/111/200 will work just fine with Firestore. Not sure on MR100. When using DR-HD100 use m2t mode and re-wrap it to Quicktime to avoid audio buzz. Unfortunately FE never fixed this audio problem and made it for us a complete pain the ass.
I use AB battery and I drilled into the plate in the back, attached a right angle piece of metal and connected everything with the bolts. It works and was cheap, considering AB extra plates were about 75 bucks. I also run power tap cable from my AB to the firestore, as these batteries don't last worth a crap.
BTW I am thinking about selling the entire set-up pretty soon.

Simon Glidewell
March 15th, 2009, 03:02 PM
Many thanks for your very helpful info Rob! Your set up sounds interesting. Do you have a photo or two that you could post showing how you did this?

All the best

Robert Rogoz
March 15th, 2009, 06:07 PM
This is the set-up. Unfortunately I bought the cable, but you can rig one up for much less.

Simon Glidewell
March 16th, 2009, 04:59 AM
Hello Rob,

Many thanks for posting the photos of your HDD arrangement. It certainly looks interesting and innovative.

All the best

Tim Dashwood
March 16th, 2009, 12:34 PM
Does anyone know if the new KA-MR100 XDCAM EX media recorder will work with the GY-HD111E and the GY-HD110E cameras?

The answer is no. The KA-MR100 works only with the HM700 camera.
The KA-MR100 ( will also work with the HD200B or HD250 when used with the KA-UM100G (

Alex Humphrey
March 17th, 2009, 04:25 PM
Robert, hey neat setup! I wimped out (no tools here) and got a prefabed plate for my IDX system. Made the rig even longer, therefore I can charge more. :)

I must say I like your angle plate. I'll try to forget what I paid for my prefabbed IDX wirless mount.

Chris Beeger
March 18th, 2009, 07:05 PM
The KA-MR100 / KA-UM100G combo will only work with HD200B? Will this combo also work with HD200U and if so at what bandwith and which codec.