View Full Version : 60i to24p conversion?

Erick Munari
March 13th, 2009, 02:15 PM
I filmed an event with a XHA1 on 24f and and HV20 on a tripod on 24p. I want to edit on FCP2, but I heard that the 24p from the HV20 has to be converted from its 60i wrapping, and that this is somehow done with Cinematools. Anyone would like to share how this is accomplished?
Thank you for the assistance.

Christopher Drews
March 13th, 2009, 02:23 PM
Please use the search tool. This has been addressed 100's of times here.
The short of it is, you can use Compressor 2.0, After Effects and Cinema Tools.
It's just a matter of your preference.