View Full Version : NeoScene Help with Mac and 5D MK II

James Hurst
March 13th, 2009, 01:15 PM

I have just download and set up neoScene on my mac. Everything OK here however I have just opened NeoScene to convert a 5d MK ii .mov and I'm having real problems.
Basically I change the perimeters to what I want which gives me two choices Pulldown Removal which I presume is to 24p (yet I'm not sure) or deinterlace.

So I go for the Pulldown hoping thats 24p set the output to high ProRezHQ then I click the button "convert" This then tell me to save to a Directory so I select a folder and click open.
Then nothing happens!
So I think no worries click the convert button again, but everytime I do it just asks me to save to a directory???

What am I doing wrong? Anyone had this problem or knows a way round?

Julian Frost
March 13th, 2009, 01:29 PM
You may want to post this in the Cineform forum for faster responses (or maybe ask Chris Hurd to move it there for you).


Ray Bell
March 13th, 2009, 08:10 PM
I think you should reload the program and see if it works then.... sometimes the program
doesn't register all of the components and reloading seems to work for some...

Jon Fairhurst
March 13th, 2009, 09:57 PM
You shouldn't use Cineform to convert the rate to 24p. Leave it at the original rate. If you want to convert to 24p, you will want to use a more sophisticated converter.