Bill Ravens
March 12th, 2009, 08:00 AM
With all this bling about Prospect, PPro, and Neo Scene, it seems NeoHD has been left hanging in the breeze. I own NeoHD for use with Avid and Vegas, not with PPro. What's the future for my applications? Should I downgrade to Neo Scene, or will the upcoming version change for NeoHD, as used on a non-PPro application, be useful to me?
David Taylor
March 12th, 2009, 08:47 AM
Bill, Neo HD includes the importer for PPro, so by proxy we've been working on Neo HD also, even if you hear most reference to Prospect HD. Further, you will be very pleasantly surprised when we make our "First Light" application available in the next week or two. First Light offers a renderless, real-time color workflow through our Active Metadata architecture. Think "Lightroom" for video/film content and you're headed in the right direction. Hang with us for a little longer on this....
Bill Ravens
March 12th, 2009, 09:17 AM
Thanx for answering and clearing up my consternation. I'm a big proponent of Cineform, so, it's good to hear it's just getting better.