Rob Collins
March 12th, 2009, 05:47 AM
Anyone have experience with some of the newer cheap consumer HD cams? I'd like to get one for some car mount shots to cut with EX footage. I'm concerned about the CMOS jello vision thing--are any of the new ones (Sony or Canon) able to get around that?
Otherwise for CCD in the under $700 range it looks like the JVC HD6 ( or Panasonic HS100 ( Others? Thoughts? Thanks.
Erik Phairas
March 12th, 2009, 08:42 AM
I cut my Sony SR11 with EX3, in bright light it looks close enough. Getting around the way the image sensor works is going to be a futile mission. Better off living with it or going with the sensor that gives you the image you are looking for. Oh and the Panasonic you posted above is a cmos camera.
Mitchell Lewis
March 12th, 2009, 09:56 AM
JACK CABBAGE: Canon XHA1: The Primary Camera for Crank 2 (
Canon HF10.
Steve Gibbons
March 12th, 2009, 09:57 AM
We've used Sony HDR-CX7 consumer camcorders extensively for our various production shoots. It is the original Sony AVCHD memory-card based model. We've been very happy with it as an "in harm's way camera". Fortunately none of the half dozen or so we have, have experienced any injuries or problems. They've been on everything from skydiver helmets to inside underwater enclosures, kayaking and BMXing.
We've cut footage between these cameras with both our F900 and our EX1 on our Avids.
We purchased various wide-angle and fish-eye lenses for them.
Rob Collins
March 12th, 2009, 10:08 AM
Thanks all. Any experience on the "jello" issue when using a cheap car mount like a sticky pod? The Panasonic CCD cam I was thinking of is the HS9: