View Full Version : Format for archiving
Darren Ruddock March 9th, 2009, 04:30 PM Hi there,
Have just shot my first project on the EX1. Was shot in 720 25p. I want to archive the finished edit but am unsure of what format to save it to an external drive.
I won't need to re-edit at any point but maybe take some excerpts. Just seems that there are lots of output options via compressor. Just want to know the best for quality.
For other projects are people saving all rushes and the final cut project file so they can re-edit in future?
Dean Sensui March 9th, 2009, 07:04 PM I save everything.
All the original camera files are saved in their native format for possible future reference.
Then all everything used in the production of each episode is archived in its own folder and saved to drives which are also backed up. Takes a heck of a lot of space. But I've had enough close calls to know that re-use in the future often means having the flexibility to make needed changes. So that means having editable versions is essential to make an archive truly useful.
Rob Collins March 9th, 2009, 07:21 PM Agree with Dean--media is too cheap now not to play it safe. And to my knowledge Compressor is not to be used for archiving. Instead, redundantly save your EX QT files that you got either through FCP log and transfer or through XDCAM transfer (and, if you want to be really safe, the BPAV folder from the camera, though that's overkill for most of my projects). Then for your edited master, save as a self-contained QT file (using Export > QT Movie) in whatever codec you're using to edit.
And, of course, save the project file. I know there's something to be said for Media Manager, but I've been happy to just keep everything.
Bob Jackson March 9th, 2009, 07:26 PM My BVAP files are arceived to an external archeive hard drive, and also copied to 8GB dvd-r disks. One can never be too safe.
Sverker Hahn March 10th, 2009, 03:12 AM I do like Bob Jackson. But recently I have started to remove poor quality clips with Clip Browser. It is even possible to save good parts of a clip and then delete the original clip.
To save space when burning DVD-DLs I use the "Split card" function in Clip Browser. I put all clips in a big folder, split it and get the resulting folders close to 8 GB each, ready for burning. Of course one can also fill a folder manually, but since Clip Browser doesnīt show folder sizes, one has to check the folder size in the Finder.
Doug Jensen March 10th, 2009, 06:08 AM I want to archive the finished edit but am unsure of what format to save it to an external drive.
There is a lot of good advice in this thread, but the original question was how to archive the finished edit -- not the raw footage. Sure, I keep multiple copies of the BPAV folders, plus copies of all the MOV clips, etc., but that is not the same as archiving the finished edit.
I don't know about other NLEs, but if you are using Final Cut, archiving the final edit is very easy. The most under-rated feature of FCP is called Media Manager.
At the end of a project, you can use Media Manager to automatically make a lossless copy of all the elements from the project into a new folder. For example, if you had 20 hours of raw footage but only actually used one hour of footage, Media Manager will make a copy of only the stuff you used. Even if a clip was originally 2 minutes and you only used 10 seconds, Media Manager will trim the copy down to jsut the stuff you used -- plus handles. You can even control how long the handles are.
Media Manager also copies all of your graphics, music cuts, etc. that are part of the project and puts them into the folder, too.
Once Media Manager has done its job you will have a relatively small folder that is much easier to archive and manage. If, at any time in the future, you want to re-edit the project, or export a new master file for a DVD, or render a new version for the web, or whatever -- you just open the new project file in FCP and you can still make changes, etc. Besides the small size and having everything in one folder, the big advantage is that this project file is every bit as good as the original so you have not lost a generation.
That's how I archive a finished edit. Try Media Mananger, it is great! The most under-rated feature of FCP
Darren Ruddock March 10th, 2009, 10:01 AM Cheers Doug,
Sounds like a top tip! For this project I don't need all the files so media manager sounds spot on!
This was a freebie project but in future I will be archiving the lot, especially for corporate work.
Many thanks!
Adam Reuter March 10th, 2009, 10:39 AM Doug is dead on. If you have Final Cut Pro the media manager tool is VERY useful.
Joachim Hoge March 10th, 2009, 11:30 AM I think Media Manager is the way to go.
I just found this yesterday, itīs a very good info video on MM (