View Full Version : I..Am..RedMan! Color Issue

Lee Roberts
March 9th, 2009, 07:00 AM

So, I have an HD100 and an HD200. I have (2) HD monitors that I (usually) connect via component out when I shoot. Here's the deal....

The two cams are calibrated pretty close to one another, but I still have to apply some slight color correction in post. When I render and play back on computer, everything looks groovy. When I burn a DVD, however, the footage has an extreme red bias (I guess that's how I would say it). I'm using DVD Architect and burning at the highest bit rates allowed (720x480 - I think it's ~ 9mbps/video - I don't have a Blu-Ray burner/player yet).

Is there something I should know or look into that comes readinly to someone's mind? I've tried almost every conceivable setting/config, and I'm at a loss.

Also, I start with mpegs so that I don't have to recompress the video - I render the audio to .wav and 'marry', etc.

Thanks ~ Lee

Jeff Harper
March 9th, 2009, 07:52 AM
Are you using a broacast monitor during post to check color?

Lee Roberts
March 9th, 2009, 09:05 AM
Are you using a broacast monitor during post to check color?

I haven't in post yet, no - only during the shoot. I just recently began burning DVD's for playback on televisions, so I hadn't experienced this problem before.

Is there some technical explanation why the colors shift so much when played back on an HD TV (or is that the point...that it's not being played back in HD?).

Jeff Harper
March 9th, 2009, 11:03 AM
I haven't experienced noticeable color changes as you have.

You have, of course, played your DVDs on mulitple TVs, etc. to rule out the television and DVD players?

Lee Roberts
March 9th, 2009, 11:21 AM
Yes, I have tried on 2 TVs and 2 DVD players. It's quite a big difference, too. I've got a couple of tests that I'm going to run, so I'll report back the results. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't overlooking something very simple.

Thanks ~ Lee

Mike Kujbida
March 9th, 2009, 12:54 PM
Lee, are you setting your HD monitors up to colour bars before you begin your shoot?
If not, then you aren't shooting to any kind of a standard and consequently have no way of knowing that your cameras are properly set up.
I set up my field monitor on colour bars every single time I do a shoot (currently shooting SD only) as it's the only way I can guarantee that my camera is properly set up for the lighting conditions I'm shooting under.