View Full Version : Teaser/Trailer: Documentary about Jazz

Stefan Immler
March 8th, 2009, 09:47 PM
Hi all --

I put together a teaser/trailer of an ongoing documentary project about jazz in Washington, DC. So far I have only shot about 10% of the final footage (JVC HD100 in 720/24p), but I wanted to create a teaser at this early stage that I can use for fundraising. Most of the jazz artists are very famous. The audio hasn't been polished yet.

First time film maker here, so any comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

District of Jazz on Vimeo (


Mark Stavar
March 9th, 2009, 05:42 AM

Some great footage there, great images, and the audio isn't bad at all.

Only thing that stuck out for me (this is the writer coming out), a couple of the pauses in the narration felt about a breath too long, so they had this tiny feel of being a bit artificial.

And one of the close-ups (white guy in a sports coat, maybe Jewish?) felt a little too tight for mine. I don't think there was any headroom at all, which quite match the others.

And there is a zoom in and out at about 2:01 - wasn't sure it it was art or something else.

But defs a nice piece and i think gives a good sense of the pacing and the flavour you are going for. Felt quite intimate to me.

Nicely done. I'd watch it.


Richard Gooderick
March 9th, 2009, 06:32 AM
It seems to be shaping up well. Particularly for a first-time effort. Bravo.

I agree with Mark's comments and would add that the lighting is a little uneven, for no apparent reason.

Stefan Immler
March 9th, 2009, 06:07 PM
Thanks for your feedback, which is very helpful!