View Full Version : Yet more discounted Vegas stuff!

Ian Stark
March 8th, 2009, 11:07 AM
Personally, I think NewBlueFX plugins are priced really well anyway, but for anyone sitting on the fence over Motion Blends and Motion Effects, now is the time to jump off. They are offering those two packs at more than 50% off. The email I got quotes $49.95 each or $79.95 for the two. NewBlueFX Motion Bundle (

Nice to see these special deals - there's not really a lot that I need from Sony right now so I can't take advantage of their 35% off, but I snapped up Excalibur and Mercalli when they were offered at half price (through Digital Juice). Would be nice if VelvetMatter did the same with their Radiance plugin! Hint . . .

Alastair Brown
March 8th, 2009, 04:19 PM
Add me as a more than satisfied New Blue user!

Jason Robinson
March 9th, 2009, 07:45 PM
Add me as a more than satisfied New Blue user!

can anyone post a video sample of a clip before and after to show exactly what these bundles can do? I have a hard time looking at these effects bundles and thinking they are worth anything. am I completely missguided in my perception of what they do?

editAlso, are they usable directly inside of Vegas, or would I have to render out a scene, and then import the transition?

Alastair Brown
March 9th, 2009, 08:23 PM

These two relate to the ones discussed. Honestly, the best way to do it is to download the demo and have a fiddle about with the presets and see what they do.

Ian Stark
March 10th, 2009, 12:42 AM
Hi Jason.

Yes, they work just like any of the Vegas standard plugins, right from within Vegas. I'll second what Alastair says - you should take a look at their website and download the demo. There are plenty of short clips there that showcase all their effects and transistion packages. (It would be difficult for someone to come up with a sample of a clip that could influence your perception as we don't know what sort of videos you make/like etc).

As with all of these things, they are best used sparingly and in appropriate situations only. I tend to use them in title sequences and on text in particular. If you want to take a look at some full length examples, there are several at my website. Click on the vITTV tab and take a look at the two videos I made for Notable Solutions Inc in particular. I don't think I've made a single video in the last 12 months that hasn't used one or other effect/transistion from NewBlueFX - expecially since they released their VideoEssentials package.

Anyway, I'm in danger of being accused of marketing their products so I'd better stop!

Marcus Martell
March 10th, 2009, 04:28 AM
R them similar to MAGIC Bullet looks?

Ian Stark
March 10th, 2009, 04:42 AM
Hi Marcus,

They do have a product that sits in the same space as Looks - it's called NewBlue Film Effects - but that's different to Motion Effects and Blends.

Marcus Martell
March 10th, 2009, 04:47 AM
Ian how did u but them?Through Download?I m asking it cause i live in Europe like you!

Ian Stark
March 10th, 2009, 04:49 AM
Yeah, all through download. Very easy and painless!

Jason Robinson
March 10th, 2009, 02:48 PM
Hi Jason.

Yes, they work just like any of the Vegas standard plugins, right from within Vegas. I'll second what Alastair says - you should take a look at their website and download the demo. There are plenty of short clips there that showcase all their effects and transistion packages. (It would be difficult for someone to come up with a sample of a clip that could influence your perception as we don't know what sort of videos you make/like etc).

As with all of these things, they are best used sparingly and in appropriate situations only. I tend to use them in title sequences and on text in particular. If you want to take a look at some full length examples, there are several at my website. Click on the vITTV tab and take a look at the two videos I made for Notable Solutions Inc in particular. I don't think I've made a single video in the last 12 months that hasn't used one or other effect/transistion from NewBlueFX - expecially since they released their VideoEssentials package.

Anyway, I'm in danger of being accused of marketing their products so I'd better stop!

THank you. That helps a lot actually. I was afraid this was some outside the NLE app. And my uses would also be mostly restricted to applying these effects to text, which is about the only time I deviate from straight cuts of crossfades.