View Full Version : Scratching my head on XL1s menu issue

David L. Leo
March 7th, 2009, 08:58 PM
I have a XL1s that has me puzzled. When I go to change some setting (like turning off display settings) it is highlighted in pink and will not allow me to change that setting. There are a couple more in my menu that will not allow me to change settings due to it being highlighted in pink. Is there some setting in the menu or a button that needs to be pressed to allow me to change all my menu settings?

Please help!

Chris Soucy
March 8th, 2009, 12:14 AM
The reason for the pink is that the option is not available for change in the program you are using.

This is usually (but not always) due to using the "green box" program or "Auto".

Don't use them and most should come right.

BTW, can I assume from the wording of your post that you have other XL1s' that don't puzzle you, and thus don't display the same symptoms as the one that does?

Might sound pedantic, but phraseology is all, and the Devil is in the detail.