View Full Version : winter bug

Dale Guthormsen
March 7th, 2009, 05:20 PM
Good evening,

Well, I am sick and tired of wind, more wind, cold temps (still -20 in morning) and to much snow to go out and hike about filming!!

Desperate to do some filming I found an irregular winter habitant in our Home.

I got the xlh1 and thought I'd put a diopter on it and see how it does.

I learned a little and actually had fun imaking it.

You may or may not want to watch it, all 3 minutes of shear excitement!!???

Winter Lady Bug on Vimeo (

filmed with the stock lens and a 3"x3" +3 conkin 103

Annie Haycock
March 8th, 2009, 05:19 AM
Now, I'll never hear that music again without thinking of ladybugs!!

I saw my first ladybug of the year two weeks ago - hanging on to a leaf for dear life in a force 6 wind along the coast. Not good for photography or video, and difficult enough for doing the seabird survey I was out on the coast for. The ladybug would have been better off dropping from the leaf into the undergrowth. I was happy just to get back to the car in one piece.

Sam Mendolia
March 11th, 2009, 03:45 PM
You always have great music with your images.
I will have to pullout those classical records and CDs, and refine myself.

Well, yes it has been cold here to, but like you, we have had bugs around as well.
We had one lady bug, ants, spiders, and two caterpillars-both frozen solid.

Unfortunately, they were usually noticed on the way out of the house.

Luckily, you Dale, have great images, whether you are stuck inside or not.

Hopefully it will thaw out soon, and you can venture outdoors, without your fingers freezing to the camera.