View Full Version : Hello from the Canadian Prairies

Michael Costello
March 6th, 2009, 04:57 PM
I just picked up a Canon HG 10 and am tentatively going to shoot my first video. Tough to shoot outdoors when the temperature is -20 f. I really appreciate all the info available on this forum and the great people that respond to questions. If anyone has any tips on the use of the Canon HG 10 I would appreciate hearing from you. Best of luck with all your projects. Thanks for reading.

Shaun Roemich
March 7th, 2009, 12:36 PM
Welcome to the forum from one prairie boy to another.

And -20 is NOTHING... try standing outside for 8 hours in -40 shooting SnoCross! <laughs>

Again, welcome.

Dana Love
March 7th, 2009, 01:25 PM
Hi! Have fun shooting when the air warms up some. It's 75 here today. :)