Chris Soucy
March 5th, 2009, 05:40 PM
and potential owners as well.
Here's a chance to have your say!
I'm currently engaged in what could most accurately be described as "a frank and open (but private) exchange of views" with the Product Manager at Vinten UK.
[I shan't print his name as it's entirely up to him to "out" himself if he so wishes - yep, he's a recent new member of DVinfo to boot, they DO keep an eye on what's being said here]
I hasten to add it's all extremely friendly and good natured (he's a charming chap and they're a great company) even if the subject is one he and I have almost diametrically opposing views on.
This partcular subject is one I've mentioned here a few times in the past, and concerns the compatibity of V V "x" series heads with non - Vinten tripods, or, more correctly, the non compatibility thereof.
This is brought about primarilly, but not wholly, due to the design of the bowl clamp (the thing that screws onto the bolt at the bottom of the head to hold it to the tripod).
The design is such that, on non - Vinten tripods, it severely limits the amount of head angle adjustment, has only 1/2 to 1 turn from full lock to falling off and the handle lobes impact the tripod legs when attempting to shut same.
My contention is that Vinten really should offer an adapter/ alternate bowl clamp that is, indeed, compatible with the other major players tripods.
This on the basis that anyone contemplating buying a V V "x" series head is basically faced with a "whole package" purchase of both head and sticks, a pretty steep financial deterrant to making such a move.
This assumes that potential purchasers actually know of this incompatibility, I know I didn't when I bought mine and a damn rude shock it was!
My argument is that if an alternate bowl clamp was available at a realistic price, then anyone wanting to make the move to a Vinten head does not have to worry about the incompatibilty problem.
Vintens argument, and a very valid one at that, is that they design their heads and sticks to offer the best engineering solution possible as a working pair, and any matching of a Vinten head with a non - Vinten tripod is an engineering "compromise" they're not prepared to sanction by offering an alternative bowl clamp.
[I have seriously paraphrased here so forgive me Vinten if I've got stuff out of context or put words in your mouth that you haven't actually said]
Anyway, here's my question:
Purely hypothetical mind.............
Vinten announce absolutely the best, all singing, all dancing tripod head ever.
Wipes the floor with the competition in it's price group, weight range, functions, engineering excellence and bells and whistles.
Absolutely creams 'em.
Makes the opposition look like toys.
It is the last and final word in tripod head engineering.
It is truly a thing of videographic beauty.
It's even perfectly priced.
You want one so bad it hurts.
BUT - you know that because of it's incompatibilty with your current sticks, it's a head and sticks package at double the price, or nothing.
You simply cannot afford the full deal.
Then Vinten announce an adapter/ alternate bowl clamp.
Would you rush out and buy that head and adapter?
Would you rush out and buy a current V V "x" head if there was such an adapter?
My argument is "Yes", Vintens is a pretty definate "No".
(Though they're prepared to be convinced otherwise.)
So, this is a poll, of sorts.
I'd like to hear from everyone, Vinten owners, would be owners - everyone.
I'd like to hear from all the non - member viewers (guests) as well, but can't figure a mechanism for doing so (if anyone does know a way, please tell. No, I ain't posting my e - mail address!)
What's your vote: "Yes" to an adapter, or "No".
Happy voting.
I realise this is a bit of an odd question, as current V V owners have either got around this problem by going Vinten completely (as I have) or have one of the few combinations that don't display the symptoms and thus have no need for such an adapter.
Similarly, if you aren't a Vinten owner, you can't possibly know how good they are, and are probably not looking to buy one anyway, so an adapter is a bit of a red herring.
Stll, it will be interesting to see what the response is.
Here's a chance to have your say!
I'm currently engaged in what could most accurately be described as "a frank and open (but private) exchange of views" with the Product Manager at Vinten UK.
[I shan't print his name as it's entirely up to him to "out" himself if he so wishes - yep, he's a recent new member of DVinfo to boot, they DO keep an eye on what's being said here]
I hasten to add it's all extremely friendly and good natured (he's a charming chap and they're a great company) even if the subject is one he and I have almost diametrically opposing views on.
This partcular subject is one I've mentioned here a few times in the past, and concerns the compatibity of V V "x" series heads with non - Vinten tripods, or, more correctly, the non compatibility thereof.
This is brought about primarilly, but not wholly, due to the design of the bowl clamp (the thing that screws onto the bolt at the bottom of the head to hold it to the tripod).
The design is such that, on non - Vinten tripods, it severely limits the amount of head angle adjustment, has only 1/2 to 1 turn from full lock to falling off and the handle lobes impact the tripod legs when attempting to shut same.
My contention is that Vinten really should offer an adapter/ alternate bowl clamp that is, indeed, compatible with the other major players tripods.
This on the basis that anyone contemplating buying a V V "x" series head is basically faced with a "whole package" purchase of both head and sticks, a pretty steep financial deterrant to making such a move.
This assumes that potential purchasers actually know of this incompatibility, I know I didn't when I bought mine and a damn rude shock it was!
My argument is that if an alternate bowl clamp was available at a realistic price, then anyone wanting to make the move to a Vinten head does not have to worry about the incompatibilty problem.
Vintens argument, and a very valid one at that, is that they design their heads and sticks to offer the best engineering solution possible as a working pair, and any matching of a Vinten head with a non - Vinten tripod is an engineering "compromise" they're not prepared to sanction by offering an alternative bowl clamp.
[I have seriously paraphrased here so forgive me Vinten if I've got stuff out of context or put words in your mouth that you haven't actually said]
Anyway, here's my question:
Purely hypothetical mind.............
Vinten announce absolutely the best, all singing, all dancing tripod head ever.
Wipes the floor with the competition in it's price group, weight range, functions, engineering excellence and bells and whistles.
Absolutely creams 'em.
Makes the opposition look like toys.
It is the last and final word in tripod head engineering.
It is truly a thing of videographic beauty.
It's even perfectly priced.
You want one so bad it hurts.
BUT - you know that because of it's incompatibilty with your current sticks, it's a head and sticks package at double the price, or nothing.
You simply cannot afford the full deal.
Then Vinten announce an adapter/ alternate bowl clamp.
Would you rush out and buy that head and adapter?
Would you rush out and buy a current V V "x" head if there was such an adapter?
My argument is "Yes", Vintens is a pretty definate "No".
(Though they're prepared to be convinced otherwise.)
So, this is a poll, of sorts.
I'd like to hear from everyone, Vinten owners, would be owners - everyone.
I'd like to hear from all the non - member viewers (guests) as well, but can't figure a mechanism for doing so (if anyone does know a way, please tell. No, I ain't posting my e - mail address!)
What's your vote: "Yes" to an adapter, or "No".
Happy voting.
I realise this is a bit of an odd question, as current V V owners have either got around this problem by going Vinten completely (as I have) or have one of the few combinations that don't display the symptoms and thus have no need for such an adapter.
Similarly, if you aren't a Vinten owner, you can't possibly know how good they are, and are probably not looking to buy one anyway, so an adapter is a bit of a red herring.
Stll, it will be interesting to see what the response is.