View Full Version : Problems from Drag & Drop?

Leonard Levy
March 3rd, 2009, 02:13 PM
This is a general shout out to find out if anyone has had or even heard of people who have had problems from drag and drop copying of SxS cards , either on PC or Mac.
I'm curious since I've heard that it is not recommended yet most people i know use that method to copy files.

I am assuming that copying is done properly, not interrupted, and that the write protect tab has been pushed before putting cards into the machine. This question might just as well apply to SxS or Red cards for that matter.

Thanks ,

Lenny Levy

Duncan Craig
March 3rd, 2009, 03:18 PM
I'm drag and dropping the BPAV folder on a Mac. Seems OK.
I then use Toast's compare function to check the copy against the original.


Dean Sensui
March 3rd, 2009, 03:40 PM
I drag/drop to copy my BPAV folders, too.

The Mac OS verifies as it copies. In moving hundreds of gigabytes of data (moving and archiving projects) I have yet to have a file copied incorrectly on drives that are functioning properly.

If a drive wasn't working right, as would be likely if you're trying to recover files from a drive that's going bad, then copying is pretty risky and additional verification might be needed.

Mitchell Lewis
March 3rd, 2009, 06:41 PM
Which drag and drop do you mean?

1) Drag and drop the BAPV folder off the SxS card on to your hard drive?
2) Drag and drop the BAPV folder from your hard drive onto another hard drive?

I think 2 is okay, but 1 isn't. I use the XDCAM EX Clip Browser. Works slick. Besides, how else are you going to join clips that span two cards? (the files end in SMI instead of MP4)

Another issue is whether you use your EX1/EX3 for professional use or as a hobby. In our case, we can't afford to EVER loose any footage. It would be very embarrassing to our paying clients. So I'll do everything I can to prevent that from happening.

Besides, it's not like using XDCAM EX Clip Browser takes any longer. (well I guess you have to wait for the program to launch)

Leonard Levy
March 3rd, 2009, 07:34 PM
There's no problem joining SxS files if they have been dropped onto the desktop. As I recall, as long as both cards are available to FCP it will join them. I've certainly done it.

My question is for #1 or #2. I'm still asking if anyone has ever had a problem.

I don't know any hobbiests, that's why I'm asking - also don't know anyone who doesn't use drag and drop.

I'm not arguing in favor of drag & drop here , just trying to gather info. What do most people do, and who's had problems. I will try out XDCam EX Clip Browser though.


Mitchell Lewis
March 3rd, 2009, 08:22 PM
When I first started using the Clip Browser, I didn't get exactly how it works. But now I've got a work flow that I LOVE.

1) Insert SxS card into laptop Express card slot
2) Connect FW800 hard drive to laptop
3) Launch XDCAM EX Clip Browser (I'm using version 2.000.01)
4) I set up the windows to look like this (see attachment)
5) I navigate the top window to my SxS card and watch all the thumbnails load
6) I navigate the bottom window to my FW hard drive
7) In the bottom window, click on the New Folder icon (first on left)
8) Name the new folder a name that corresponds to your project
9) (here's the easy part) Select any or all your clips in the top window and drag them into the bottom window.
10) Later, if you want to add more files to that folder, like from another card, just simply drag them from the top window into the bottom window again and it will add them to the same BAPV folder. This includes joining files that spans multiple cards (I've joined 6 files together automatically using this technique)

Craig Seeman
March 3rd, 2009, 08:23 PM
I use ClipBrowser. I'll use the seatbelt analogy.

You can spend years in the car and never wear your seat belt and talk about how no harm was done.

One day you get into an accident and you're maimed or killed.

Up until that accident you can claim, "never went wrong, never a problem."

Your chance of an accident seems so small but it's so fatal the ONE time it happens.

If you have ONE accident on a thousand drag and drops you've damaged or lost your camera master, possibly have to foot the bill for a reshoot, possibly lose the client.

As a professional, ONE accident can do serious damage to my business.

ClipBrowser with CRC is my seatbelt.

I've been on enough forums to have seen the EX drag and drop accidents. The do NOT have to be frequent to be disastrous.

Bob Jackson
March 3rd, 2009, 08:29 PM
I always ask myself: Would the client mind paying for a reshoot?
Why take a chance, cause one day it will bite you, and you may more than loose a client.

Mitchell Lewis
March 3rd, 2009, 09:25 PM
1) Shotput costs money / Clip Browser is free
2) Shotput allows you to transfer your SxS data to 2 drives AT THE SAME TIME.

Depends on your work flow needs I guess.