View Full Version : Can I do this ??

Jacko Bultinck
September 13th, 2003, 03:38 PM
Could I link a portable CD player to the audio inputs on the XL1s, in a way that when I start shooting, the CD player would start to play, and stop at end of scene?; would be an easy way to sync, and work.... just a thought.

Don Palomaki
September 13th, 2003, 05:59 PM
You could, but would have to sync them manually, and it would be a bit hit or miss getting precise sync. Usually works better to do that in post production. Easy to do with an NLE system.

Jacko Bultinck
September 14th, 2003, 06:34 AM
thx Don ,

I will in any case do that in post production, but I just had this in mind, as for an easy way to shoot short sequences, and move along the song, without the hassle of searching on the CD.
I will anyway overlap everywhere, and have different takes. But
It just seemed a way to gain time and make things easy....
was only a suggestion though.

and something else too...... I don't seem to get the complete timecode in my viewfinder, I'm missing the hundreds of sec's and frames. How can I get htis done?

Jacko Bultinck
September 14th, 2003, 03:51 PM
and I mean when recording, I know I can view it in playback

Don Palomaki
September 15th, 2003, 04:04 AM
RE: only H:MM:SS shown when recording - check the manual, page 37(?). It may be a characteristic of the beastie. I know the GL1 only shows H:MM:SS of the time code when recording,

The older does XL1 show H:MM:SS:FF timecode when recording.