View Full Version : Flash XDR Firmware Vr 0.0.275 Posted

Mike Schell
March 2nd, 2009, 06:41 PM
We just posted vr 0.0.275 firmware for the Flash XDR. Enhancements / corrections include:

1) Audio Level Meters Added
2) Occasional vertical shift in 720p / 1080p corrected
3) Analog audio out now works correctly without fussing with the menus
4) Changed the record trigger to be one of four (mutually exclusive) options:
-Record Button
-Remote control (note: keyboard is locked-out while recording)
-Incrementing time-code
-None (box used just for playback)
5) Stop button works immediately (no delay)

We highly recommend using the remote control trigger if the XDR is in a backpack or in a place where other buttons may be accidentally pushed.

Known issues: 35 Mbps does not work in NLEs, but OK for HD-SDI out.

Next release to include internal time code generation and standard definition support.

Best Regards-

Dan Keaton
March 4th, 2009, 08:15 AM
Dear Friends,

Our 35 Mbps support is just for testing at this time, not production work.

This 35 Mbps rate supports only 1080 modes at this time, not 720p modes.

And, any recorded clips are not ready for use in any NLE at this time.