Kevin Sawicki
February 28th, 2009, 06:10 PM
I have a Canon XH-A1.
I can't figure out how to go out from a tv (component or composite) into my camera and capture it.
I also can't figure out how to go from my editing software (APP4) out to my camera and capture it.
Please help!
Battle Vaughan
February 28th, 2009, 07:20 PM
You can record composite standard def by using the av1 terminal and the av cable that came with the camera --- it has yellow (video), red and white (audio) rca plugs on it....use the camera in VCR mode (controls under the door on the top handle). Use menu setup in vtr mode to select sd in signal setup, and hmm, I don't have my manual, check the manual whether you use av>dv on or off, I forget. You need to have a video signal present for the recorder to recognize the functions....
The Premiere output question: Check out file >export > export to tape, get the help file, it has all the details, depends upon whether you can control your deck from Premiere or it's an uncontrolled deck.
/Battle Vaughan/ video team
Battle Vaughan
February 28th, 2009, 08:05 PM
Ok, found the manual on line, check page 106 for info on the hookup, page 99 for a diagram. The av>dv is off in this application. Set your audio setup to DV Audio, select 12 or 16 bit, then it's just like any other video tape recorder...controls under the door on top of the handle, and the main power switch to vcr position....btw 12 bit is if you are copying from a betacam or whatever that does 32k, 12 -bit, premiere will want 16 bit.... good luck / bvaughan
Kevin Sawicki
February 28th, 2009, 10:40 PM
Thanks a lot!
Shahryar Rizvi
March 14th, 2009, 06:49 AM
Thanks for this thread. I hope to get an XH A1s in the near future and will keep this thread handy