View Full Version : Neo Scene 1.1.1 and CS4 (Windows.)

David Newman
February 25th, 2009, 10:01 AM
We did find that Neo Scene would sometimes install the older CS3 importer into the CS4 plugins, and unfortunately CS4 isn't particularly compatible with its older components and it would crash. Here is a new build of Neo Scene for Windows, it addresses this issue and a one or two other rare corner cases (not documented.)

If you are a CS4 user, uninstall the earlier version of N.S., and give this link a try

The link will only be valid for a day or so, as soon as the feedback is good, we will release this version formally.

David Newman
February 25th, 2009, 04:14 PM
Any feedback? Any issues?

Charles W. Hull
February 25th, 2009, 05:30 PM
Any feedback? Any issues?

I'll look at this late today (PST). Does this include the CS4 importer?

David Newman
February 25th, 2009, 05:36 PM
I promise I will say something when that is finished.

Guillaume Roques
February 25th, 2009, 06:57 PM
I'll try it later on tonight (PST). Thanks for the heads-up!


Charles W. Hull
February 25th, 2009, 10:57 PM
I'll look at this late today (PST).

1.1.1 works fine with CS4 on my system; quickly converted 12 clips and put them on the timeline; about 8 minutes of video. Editing goes okay except won't quite run smoothly; color can still be out of range (clipped, crushed).

However I have never had CS3 on this system. Also Neo Scene has been okay on this system since the explorer issue was fixed. So for me 1.1.1 seems the same as the prior 1.1.

Toenis Liivamaegi
February 26th, 2009, 11:21 AM
It crashes Premiere CS4, will not play back at all and will not convert the right colorspace (clipping and crushing). It is worse in my case than the free methods out there.
The file size goes up about seven times too with the medium quality setting.

I just don't know how to use this software I assume.


David Newman
February 26th, 2009, 01:28 PM
You have other issues. Please submit a ticket at CineForm Support ( The file sizes you are seeing is not correct, that is way you are likely crashing.

PS. We have read a few times about the 7X file sizes on forums, yet as of yesterday no one had reported anything to support. The only way to get bug solve is to report them.

Keith Paisley
February 26th, 2009, 01:45 PM
You have other issues. Please submit a ticket at CineForm Support ( The file sizes you are seeing is not correct, that is way you are likely crashing.

PS. We have read a few times about the 7X file sizes on forums, yet as of yesterday no one had reported anything to support. The only way to get bug solve is to report them.

have another look at ticket #7351229. It was mentioned in that trouble ticket on 2/19.

David Newman
February 26th, 2009, 02:01 PM
That ticket is discussion something about aborted conversions, it could be related, but I was search for the file size issue. It is not doing it on any PC here so we need to find a few customers willing to work with support to carry out some tests.

Keith Paisley
February 26th, 2009, 02:26 PM
That ticket is discussion something about aborted conversions, it could be related, but I was search for the file size issue. It is not doing it on any PC here so we need to find a few customers willing to work with support to carry out some tests.

actually it is my guess that this issue is possibly related to the OTHER ticket that was filed (concerning the HDLINK crashing due to suspected memory leak). It was my error to post it under this item, but I had just noticed the discrepancy when responding to the request for more info from support. I encourage others to open tickets with support so they have as much info as they can get so that they can get to the bottom of the issue.

Julian Frost
February 26th, 2009, 03:43 PM
You have other issues. Please submit a ticket at CineForm Support ( The file sizes you are seeing is not correct, that is way you are likely crashing.

PS. We have read a few times about the 7X file sizes on forums, yet as of yesterday no one had reported anything to support. The only way to get bug solve is to report them.

Please see Ticket # 611-7381887


Chris Barcellos
February 26th, 2009, 04:33 PM
Just to let others know, I have downloaded latest version, but I use Vegas. I was having problems getting the earlier version of Scene to work. I actually had it loaded side by side with my Neo HDV, as David Newman had suggested in another thread. It would not convert my first test 5Dii files.

After loading this version, and uninstalling NeoHDV, conversions are fine, and even show the wider range we have been looking for to show up, at least on the highlight side.

Julian Frost
February 26th, 2009, 05:52 PM
When I get a chance, I'll try scrubbing through my Windows installation to remove all traces of all Cineform products, and then reinstall Neo Scene. I know there have been a few threads where people have described, kind of piecemeal, how to do this, but it'd be nice to have each step laid out somewhere (maybe in a sticky thread?). At least then we'd know that we're not being plagued with something left over from a previous version/trial software etc.
