View Full Version : Selecting Presets

Mick Mearman
February 24th, 2009, 05:44 PM
When should I be able to change presets? on my camera most of the time I am able to click through the presets but I've found I can't whilst it's recording and sometimes when stopped clicking the button does nothing I have to turn it off and back on again am I doing something wrong?

Michael Hutson
February 25th, 2009, 09:07 AM
Hey Mick,

1 of 3 things may be happening:

1)You may have turned the custom preset option OFF by mistake by hitting the wrong button. If my memory serves me correctly, The FRONT button will turn the custom presets on and off. The REAR button will cylce through your loaded presets. IF the presets are turned on, you should be able to hit the rear button and you should see the image on the lcd change to reflect the preset.

2)You are trying to select a preset by going into the menu and selecting a preset. THIS DOES NOT CHANGE THE PRESET!...I made this mistake when I first got the change presets by the buttons on the side of the camera.

3)Your camera has a problem

Most likely your problem is 1 or 2.

I do not know if you can change the preset while you are ACTUALLY recording...I never tried it...I try to take care of that PRIOR to hitting the RECORD button. BUT you should NOT have to turn your camera off and on to change your presets. That being said, that is why I think you have mistakenly turned the preset function off as described in the above paragraphs.

Hope this helps you, Mick


Bill Busby
February 25th, 2009, 04:36 PM
If the CP indicator is flashing, it's not active... if it's solid, it is. But, you CAN select CP's while recording. You have to de-active them first, select your CP, then re-activate. The only thing is during these steps there's going to be a noticeable shift in the image until you re-activate the CP switch again.

Mick Mearman
February 26th, 2009, 03:21 AM
Thanks for the replies, my problem is that I am able to click through the presets then a few minuets later I can't.

Michael Hutson
February 26th, 2009, 09:08 AM
What is the display for the cp doining at the time that you can no longer change the presets? flashing or solid.

What is the condition of the camera? recording in progress or stopped?

I will try simulate your conditions with mine when you let me know.