View Full Version : What's the matter with DV Magazine?
Jon Fairhurst February 23rd, 2009, 01:49 PM The Canon 5D MkII has been out for nearly three months, yet DV Magazine has yet to do a review or even an editorial about the new trend of DVSLRs. Even if their conclusion is that the 5D MkII should be avoided for a wide range of applications, that would still be of interest to readers. Certainly, the 5D MkII is a breakthrough camera in some respects, and their readers would be interested to know what it can do for them.
I know that the magazine has moved upscale, but, if nothing else, they could discuss how the trend will affect the higher end market over the next few years.
When I think back to how excited DV mag was about the DVX100 not that many years back, it's strange that they would ignore the DVSLRs from Canon and Nikon. DVSLRs are poised to be gamechangers as we move forward.
Perrone Ford February 23rd, 2009, 02:37 PM it's strange that they would ignore the DVSLRs from Canon and Nikon. DVSLRs are poised to be gamechangers as we move forward.
Maybe they don't agree that these cameras are game changers. Frankly, I've had a hard time understanding all the hype myself.
Matthew Roddy February 23rd, 2009, 03:04 PM Maybe they don't agree that these cameras are game changers. Frankly, I've had a hard time understanding all the hype myself.
They did a review in Jan 09, asking "Is the new Nikon D90 your next video camera" (or something similar).
So they're fully aware of DSLRs and their potential.
Perrone Ford February 23rd, 2009, 03:13 PM Ah well, there ya go!
Jon Fairhurst February 23rd, 2009, 03:22 PM They did a review in Jan 09, asking "Is the new Nikon D90 your next video camera" (or something similar).
So they're fully aware of DSLRs and their potential.But nothing on the 5D?
Matthew Roddy February 24th, 2009, 11:57 AM But nothing on the 5D?
Not a whisper - - not that I've seen - so far...
Ray Bell February 24th, 2009, 04:32 PM DV mag put out a new copy today... there is a story on the 5DmkII in the issue...
Jon Fairhurst February 24th, 2009, 05:04 PM DV mag put out a new copy today... there is a story on the 5DmkII in the issue...
Ahh, the power of posting on DV Info.
If only Canon would have responded this quickly with manual control, 24/25 fps and audio monitoring. ;)
Jon Fairhurst March 10th, 2009, 04:52 PM DV mag put out a new copy today... there is a story on the 5DmkII in the issue...
I finally read the magazine article online. It was more than a little disappointing.
Sure, it was a "first look" article, so it didn't go into any depth, but it's been months since Reverie first hit the scene. We're kinda beyond first looks.
The article gushed a bit and ignored many of the problems - aside from sound. This is odd, since sound is one of the few things that we can fix with a couple hundred bucks (or more) of external gear.
I'm looking forward to a more in-depth review.
Chris Barcellos March 10th, 2009, 05:05 PM "You'll never get footage this good from a camcorder at this price, but you'll have better sound."
While my jury is out on being able to get decent sound to the camera, the article is kind of a condemnation of the camcorder industry, in that it implies that if the camcorder industry made their video product as good as their sound product, we wouldn't even be talking about the 5D2.