View Full Version : Resident Evil 5 release viral ad

Nicholas Valentine
February 22nd, 2009, 08:19 PM
Hey everyone. I just cut the first of five web videos advertising a "Blood Red" Carpet event for the release of the videogame Resident Evil 5 at my local Best Buy.

These are short clips that when all five videos are released it tells the back story to the event.

The event itself is a Haunted House that the customers waiting in line for the midnight release of the game will walk through before purchasing their loot. This is the ONLY Best Buy doing this in the United States.

Please watch it and let me know what you think and I'll post in this thread letting you know when the newest ad is online so that you may continue the story.

Best Buy: Blood Red Carpet Event Viral Ad 1 (

Lukas Siewior
February 23rd, 2009, 09:17 AM
I like it. It's maybe a little too hi-def. I'm not sure if I'm clear. How about trying to add tv-interlacing effect to degrade the quality? And the last scene is a little too dark for me - but that might show differently on different display.

Bryan Gilchrist
February 23rd, 2009, 11:01 PM
At around 35 seconds, he hits the remote to turn the camera off, but when it comes back on, it seems like the camera comes on and then he hits the button about second later. It should be simultaneous, IMO.

Nicholas Valentine
February 24th, 2009, 08:06 AM
wow good eye. I missed that one. I've doing one more just like it so I'll make sure I don't make the same mistake twice. Thanks for watching everyone.

I originally wanted to make the video crappier looking (more grain, etc.), but these are also going to be shown on the tv displays at the Best Buy and I want them to look nice on them to showcase my work since it's a way to advertise my services (there will be watermarks on the videos with my website).

Nicholas Valentine
February 24th, 2009, 08:53 PM
I made the changes you guys suggested and it looks way better. Thanks. I should be uploading a new file (same link as above) in the next five minutes. Let me know what you think.

Bryan Gilchrist
February 24th, 2009, 11:02 PM
Much better.

A few small things...

In the last scene, where the video starts to phase out, there should be a little "interference" sound each time.

And the last scene seems a little too can't even see the item he holds up.

Josh Chesarek
February 26th, 2009, 06:23 AM
Very cool stuff. I was able to see the syringe at the end but that is the joy of video, everyone's display is calibrated slightly differently.

I would aggree with the comment above about a little more use of audio noise when the video is breaking up. Gives it more of an analog feel and might add to the story.