View Full Version : creating a vignette effect for video (in post)

Spike Spiegel
February 22nd, 2009, 12:45 PM
Part of my HD (p2 hd) footage shot with a m2 adaptor/35mm lens has caused a cool vignette effect which I really like, while the Bcam didn't have this adaptor. So the B cam footage naturally doesn't have the vignette look. To make the edits cut together better, I am looking for a way to bring the vignette look to the B cam footage. Any way I can build this in after effects or photoshop?

I know how to create vignettes on stills, but for video, not so sure.. ANy help appreciated.

Howard Churgin
February 22nd, 2009, 01:27 PM
In After Effects it should be quite easy. Add an elliptical mask to your footage( just select the ellipse tool from the toolbar while your footage is selected). twirl down to Mask1 properties and play with Feather and expansion amounts. Then you can really tweak the shape, color, blend mode, etc. Once you see how to do it you will see how easy.

There is also a vignette lighting effect in the presets that you might be able to get a look out of.

Spike Spiegel
February 22nd, 2009, 06:03 PM
thanks Howard that worked perfectly for what I needed to do! Much appreciated!!