Brandon Savoie
February 21st, 2009, 11:19 PM
I have a question about 3d match moving. I understand the basics of it, such as tracking points and 3d cameras, but I am kind of confused about how I should set up a particular shot. This particular shot requires the actor to actually hold the 3d object in his hand, so I am wondering if anyone knows the best approach to setting up this shot. The shot will consist of the actor standing in front of a green screen. He will be "holding" the 3d object, which will be a small toy, and he will raise it up to his face. I am unsure of the best approach to this because the only tracking I've done so far are shots where the 3d objects are on the ground or some other stationary object, such as a table. I was thinking the actor could actually hold a real object whose shape resembles the 3d model, and then it could be replaced in post. Is that a good idea? Have any advice?