View Full Version : White Balance or yellow gel-filters..?

Peer Landa
February 21st, 2009, 10:01 AM
I recently made my own onboard LED lights (600 luminance) that I'm quite proud of. However, they have a bit of a blueish tint to them, so I'm debating -- should I fix this by using the White Balance, or should I get some yellow gel-filters? Any help/suggestion appreciated.

-- peer

Danny Winn
February 21st, 2009, 10:13 AM
The problem that I think you might have is that in general you want all your light sources in the room to be the same, tungsten, floursent, or in your case LED.

If your using your LED's in a light full of tunsten lights (regular lightbulbs) then you'll probablly need a filter to drop your LED's down to a color temp of around 3000 to 3500. Otherwise I would think that if you set your white balance to the LED's then everything in the room will look really orangeish or yellow that is not in the LED range.

Now I'm not sure but I would imagine that LED's have a color temp closer to flouesents, but you'll have to investigate that.

Check out the Tiffen color correction chart and filter matching graphs.
Link: Tiffen Filters - Tiffen.Com (