View Full Version : White Limbo Lighting and the EX3

Ted OMalley
February 20th, 2009, 11:00 PM
Just thought I'd share...

I've set up my infinite white set and have begun practicing with it. I've got a lot of editing to do before the full body shots are ready (looking for the Vegas FX to make me drop about 20 lbs!), but here is a sample of a tighter shot.

Personally, I'm pretty happy with the result. My goal was to light EVERYTHING with only fluorescent lights, and I put together a kit assembled with items from Home Depot. I made no attempt to shield the talent (myself) from the lighting on the backdrop.

I used four 4' dual lamp (40w each) fluorescent fixtures and one 100w compact fluorescent bulb. All lamps are 'natural sunlight' around 5000 Kelvin with a Color index of 92 for good reproduction. All fixtures are vertically mounted to light stands. The compact one is actually screwed directly into a ceiling fixture over my head. Two of the fixtures are on either side of me aimed at the backdrop at a 45 degree angle. The other two are about five feet from me also at about 45 degrees.

Once I complete some more editing, I'll post samples of the full body shots, but they are just as clean.

Oh, and the shirt is NOT black - the color is correct. My black shirt showed up a little brown (IR), so I changed. Also, I white-balanced using Vortex Media's 1/4 blue card AFTER I made sure the backdrop was blown out. The fluorescent lights made this quite easy - the entire wall is an even 102%.

Rubick's Cube - Under 1 Minute! on Vimeo (

Brian Luce
February 20th, 2009, 11:24 PM
You're getting a shadow on your chest that I assume is from the overhead light. I think It'd look better without that shadow that moves as your head moves.

Are all the lights directed at the screen? and what are you using for a screen and how far is it from you?

Ted OMalley
February 21st, 2009, 12:42 AM
Wow, I didn't even see that before. I'll have to move that light back further.

This is a backdrop from Adorama - White Vinyl. It's about six to eight feet behind me. Thre rear lights are directed at the screen, the front lights are directed at me and the screen.

David Issko
February 21st, 2009, 01:53 AM
Nice to meet you Ted. Best wishes for your cyc. Like the accidental drop at the end!

Vincent Oliver
February 21st, 2009, 02:10 AM
Show OFF!

I sat on a airplane from London to LA trying to do the cube and it ended up in the trash can, not completed - I guess you must have found it.