View Full Version : Audio disappears?

Ian Wood
February 20th, 2009, 04:22 PM
This happened a while ago, and I never got it resolved (ended up exporting it with sound in aftereffects which took hellishly long especially on 1 gig of ram). Basically the workflow for this was: Put two clips (no sound) into FCP, export, use in Logic to generate sound, add exported sound back into FCP. What ended up happening was that in the exported file the sound disappeared once it hit the second clip. It was fine in the project. Luckily this was only a 30 second clip, but I tried it for an entire day with no resolution. I'm wondering if anyone's had a similar problem before (and found a solution). I like FCP for editing and I like Logic for sound, and it seems ridiculous to have to use a different editor out of fear of this problem.