View Full Version : screen shots

Marco Leavitt
September 11th, 2003, 11:46 AM
Anyone have full size screen shots of footage taken with the Mini 35? I'm really curious. I've seen links to Web pages that are supposed to have screen shots elsewhere in this forum, but none of them seem to work.

Rob Lohman
September 11th, 2003, 02:15 PM
There were a couple of them a while ago indeed. I hope someone
still has some.

Victor Muh
September 27th, 2003, 03:18 PM
Try the website for my short film THE CHINESE SHOES:

Craig Van Horne
November 3rd, 2003, 01:47 PM
check out go into the 'Scorched Pictures' link and surf through to see production photos and full size frame grabs from projects.

Jim Giberti
November 3rd, 2003, 04:09 PM
I just shot some really pretty footage for an upcoming project. The background is peak foliage in the mountains...really nice color saturation, dof and lighting. I'm on the road, but I'll be back in the studio this week doing capture on it and I'll post some stills. Oh, and it was shot with Nikon primes.

Dennis Hingsberg
November 3rd, 2003, 08:33 PM

I have a page on my web site with links to various sites which have some footage and sample images that may interest you.

I will also have some images to post later on this month from a production I'll be working on in a few weeks to come.

I'll be using a XL1s PAL camera with Nikon lenses.
