Drew Fulton
February 19th, 2009, 09:46 PM
I worked with a videographer friend last year who shot with the HVX-200 and HVX-200A. He offloaded the video to his computer through Final Cut. I now have a copy of the file library, all .mov's and I am trying to do some editing in Premier CS3 but it says Codec not found when I try to import the files. Any suggestions on how I can get access to the proper codec?
Jiri Fiala
February 20th, 2009, 10:10 AM
I suppose you have Quicktime installed. If you do and the files still don`t open properly, chances are your friend ingested or transcoded the files into ProRes. That`s a QT codec that comes with Final Cut Studio 2. Try to download Prores decoder here:
You won`t get convenient editing performance, but you should be able to convert your files into something more suitable for PC Premiere.
If you cannot read these files anyway, your friend will have to do the conversion on his mac.
Drew Fulton
February 20th, 2009, 10:12 AM
Thanks for the response. However, I am working on a Mac, not Windows. Thats what has me so frustrated.
I just opened one of the files in Quicktime. Audio will play but video is just black. A Window pops up sending me to a website to look for a codec but I don't see it there.
In the movie inspector, the format reads: DVCPRO HD 1080p30, 1280 x 1080 (1888 x 1062), Millions
Maybe that can help.
Jiri Fiala
February 20th, 2009, 12:56 PM
Sadly, it seems you are outta luck with this one. You need FCP or Avid to even import these files, and you would need to convert them all into something else for Premiere anyway. Buy a nice bottle of wine for your friend and ask him to convert them for you. Qt with PhotoJPEG set to 100 per cent quality is the safest bet, if you need extra quality, go for QT Animation. You could transcode to XDCAM too.
Drew Fulton
February 20th, 2009, 01:29 PM
It appears I am not totally out of luck. I found a decoder available from calibrated softare (Calibrated Software (http://calibratedsoftware.com/)). As all I am trying to do at the moment is play with around with Premiere and learn the ropes, I can just take advantage of the demo and not worry about the grey boxes. Otherwise, its like $65 or so for those interested in purchasing the codec.