View Full Version : I can't open HDV footage....what's wrong?

James Carver
February 18th, 2009, 12:04 PM
i i've never worked with HDV, I shoot with the hvx200, but i'm editing a project where the footage was given to me as .mov files and when i open them i can only hear audio and not see video. quicktime gives me a message saying some third party software may be required or something and sends me to a web link with a bunch of 3rd party vendors

in the movie inspector inside quicktime it says the footage was shot at HDV 1080p30

i've tried opening this in after effects cs3 and it does the same thing - no video, only audio.

it's green screen footage i need to keyout and edit.

i'm on a mac with leopard using quicktime player 7.6 and i have final cut 5.1.4. I've attached screenshots of the error message i am getting in QT and FCP as well as the info on the HDV footage given to me.

does anybody know how i can view these files properly?

Shaun Roemich
February 18th, 2009, 12:20 PM
It SOUNDS like you don't have the MPEG-2 Playback Component but I could be wrong. Do a Finder search for "QuickTimeMPEG2.component" and see if it turns up, otherwise it's a download from Apple (NOT free).

Here's the link, if you need it: