View Full Version : Capturing Las Vegas Lights

John Ashplant
February 15th, 2009, 02:04 PM
We have just upgraded to HDV with my new HV30 with which I am delighted.

We will soon be off to Las Vegas when tradition dictates we drive up and down The Strip and Downtown videoing the lights.

Last time, with my old Panasonic DV, leaving it on Auto meant it was trying to expose the dark areas thus overexposing many of the lights.

How would experienced users set up the HV30 to best capture the night-time Vegas atmosphere?

Thanks for any help.

Brandon Svec
February 15th, 2009, 03:59 PM
I have an HV20 and you probably have these same options on your 30- I would try the night or fireworks presets.

John Ashplant
February 16th, 2009, 09:44 AM

I'd thought about trying "Fireworks". I'd have thought the "Night" setting would try and expose for the general scene and then overexpose the lights whereas, hopefully, "Fireworks" will correctly expose the lights, maybe?

It's a shame Canon don't list in the manual what all these settings actually do!
