View Full Version : Canon 3x wide angle lens focus ... out of focus...! ?

Wajahat Abbasi
February 12th, 2009, 08:21 AM
i am using Canon 3x wide angle lens with XL2 , after every 5 to 10 seconds i notice that the lens would go out of focus for 1-2 seconds and then back to normal and it repeateadly does this ... some times it would do it even quicker then 5-10 seconds if the light in the room is low ... i am kind of new to this, ... is there is way to fix this? ... What setting should i have on the lens when shooting .... outside or inside at night and day light ? can u guys plz share ur experince .... i am shooting interviews .... some times camera is moving e.g people walking and some times its on a tripod ...

i am shooting 16:9 , 30p ..... i dont know if this matters at all


Terry Shaw
February 12th, 2009, 11:32 PM
Hi Wajahat,

It sounds like you may have the auto focus on the lens turned on, if so it will
be "hunting" to find focus all the time. If auto focus is on, just turn if off.
I find it a pain and never us it. I hope this helps.


Marco Leavitt
February 19th, 2009, 04:47 AM
Yeah, it sounds like it's just hunting. Autofocus on Canon cameras isn't real great. It has its place, and I do use it from time to time. It works best in bright, high contrast situations and at wider focal lengths.

Peer Landa
February 19th, 2009, 08:00 PM
Yeah, it sounds like it's just hunting. Autofocus on Canon cameras isn't real great.

For my wide, I'm using a .6 Century... and I've never had this problem.

-- peer