Eric Corin
February 8th, 2009, 01:11 PM
I want to sell my 2 canon xl1s with 2 16x zoom lens and with 1 canon 3x wide angle lens, alos comes with ma200 and ma100, petrol raincover and carry case, and kata case. The xl1s have every thing on the and are ready for shooting. i need to get around 5 to 6k for this so i can get 2 5d mark2 bodys. let me know if this is a really good price for all of this.
Dylan Couper
February 8th, 2009, 04:57 PM
Moved to the XL1 forum, where XL1 owners will give you a better idea.... like me!
Ready for some bad news?
I just sold two XL1s, one with a 16x, one with a 3x lens, INCLUDING a Sennheiser mic, on camera lights, a tripod, Kata raincovers, and a PortaBrace bag.... for $2900.
And it took over 3 months to sell.
You won't get $5000-$6000 unless you find someone who has no idea what they are doing...
Realistically, there is very little demand for these anymore, as you can get XHA1's in the same price range. You can get an XL1s kit on Ebay for about $1000-$1500. I'd take whatever you can get for them at this point and move on to a 5D.
Don Palomaki
February 8th, 2009, 05:49 PM
Check the for sale section here, E-bay auction results, current auctions, and used camera outlets to get a feel for what the current market price is.
Are the 16x the stock lens, or the manual?
I agree that $5k plus is very much on the optimistic side.
Chris Hurd
February 9th, 2009, 09:36 AM
You might have better luck by breaking the package up and selling the 3x lens and each camera separately, but it could take awhile. Sorry but unfortunately $5k is not a realistic expectation. At best you might be able to get $1500 per camera kit, maybe. I agree with Dylan, you should take whatever amount you're offered and get out from under these cameras right away.