View Full Version : Wildlife Reel Buffalo 09

Mike Blumberg
February 5th, 2009, 11:30 PM
Hi all,

This was filmed in warmer days, as part of 70 hours of filming in HD done in Yellowstone in Sep - Oct 08.

The following is a 2min 26sec wildlife reel Buffalo

Please enjoy:
Welcome to Stock Footage wildlife reel - buffalo_09 (

Comments are welcome.

Have a great day

Per Johan Naesje
February 6th, 2009, 01:49 AM
Mike, as always stunning colors and quality from you!

These buffalo looks in a way like the muskox at Dovrefjell, Norway. I think they almost the same size and weight?
Technically: Opening shots is a masterpiece in colors and view, one word WOW!!!
The second shoot in the forest is beautiful too.
The last clip of the herd on the prairie looks like the grass is a bit burned out. I know the difficult to exposure for the dark brown buffalo against the light surroundings. And I think the last clip was a bit too long, maybe a couple of clips with different extract would have been better?

Thanks for sharing, look forward to view more of your work Mike!

Gilles Debord
February 6th, 2009, 01:52 AM
Hi Mike

Absolutely splendid, i like Buffalo and Eagle, the music is coming from another word.
I like your slow motion, the colors and all the footage. Where is it for Eagle ? Yellostone too?

Thank's for your footage


Ofer Levy
February 6th, 2009, 05:08 AM
oops - tried to open a new thread - sorry.

Dale Guthormsen
February 6th, 2009, 07:16 PM

I love the exposure and color!! slowing it up makes it real pleasant to watch.

Mike Blumberg
February 9th, 2009, 10:02 PM
Hi All,

#1, let me say to you all,

Per Johan,
Thank you for your comments, also congrats on the eagle shot I say in the other thread, am looking forward to the film.


Thank you for your kind words, the Eagle was filmed in Minnesota.


Thank you for your comments.

#2, I have changed the Buffalo Reel to include some new scenes and did a little CC, hope you enjoy. You can use the same link in the origional post.

Have a great day.

Mike B

Mat Thompson
February 10th, 2009, 09:05 AM
Hi Mike

Some stunning shots in here. Lovely colour and action. I have to say I found the edit a bit jumbled and lacking levels of detail with many shots of the same range. I also think the slo-mo looses its punch when used on shots better served by standard motion.

Great stuff.

Dan Licht
February 12th, 2009, 10:39 PM
Mike - I liked it. I especially like the opening shot of the bison in the trees - a shot I might have passed up on. Well done. Here's my 3-minute bison clip. It's not as professionally put together as yours - more a collection of clips. See if you can guess which shots were taken with my "sacrificial" camcorder (yes, I still have it).

Bison Stock Video Footage (

Mike Blumberg
February 20th, 2009, 09:35 PM

Thank you for your comments.

Did you film all of that in Yellowstone or is mixed with the Badland group can really tell in the film.

Am think of heading to Rapid City in the early spring the get a couple shots of babies, but its just a plan right now. Any advice would be appreciated.

I would say the licking shot and the close up ground level shots were the "sacrificial" camcorder.

What are you editing on? I think a lot of the 3min film could have the color more saturated with a little CC if it in your editor like FCP, a little saturation can go a long way.

Have a great day.

Mike B

Dan Licht
February 24th, 2009, 05:47 PM
Mike - Off the top of my head the footage is from Yellowstone, Badlands, Wind Cave NPs and Custer State Park.

Any of the latter 3 will work well for filming calves. Custer will give you the most opportunities, but their adults have the most marks. The bison are a tad harder to find at Wind Cave, but the animals are less marked (at most a small ear tag). Badlands can be the most difficult to find cows and calves, but the scenery is the best. Early May is when you want to be there.

I used Vegas to put the clips together. Didn't do anything with the color and don't plan to (working on some other things right now). Good luck and maybe I'll bump into you later this spring.

Tim Cee
February 26th, 2009, 07:16 AM
Hey Mike, That opening clip has some sweet lighting and colors, looks like Hayden Valley?
Nice work.