View Full Version : Best All Purpose Light Kit Under $1,000?

Dana Rice
February 5th, 2009, 06:07 PM
I'm looking to purchase an all purpose light kit for $1,000 or less, I'm currently looking at something like this:

Lowel | GO Jet Set Three Light Kit, Hard Case | VP-97UZ | B&H (

Any other better suggestions?

Bill Pryor
February 5th, 2009, 06:46 PM
Personally I'd rather have the 3-light Omni set.

It's under a thousand bucks. You can buy an umbrella for one if you want broad and soft, then use diffusion gels when necessary. In most cases diffusion gel is better than an umbrella. For about 50 bukcs more you can get the Omni kit with a hard case too if you prefer. There's no one set of lights that's perfect, this is just personal preference. You've got better control with the Omnis, can punch out more light if you need to. You don't need those gel hangers--full size gels clipped to the outer edges of the barn doors with C-47s (wood clothespins) are better.

Gary Burlingame
February 5th, 2009, 07:12 PM
If you're considering a fluorescent kit I'd recommend this:

Steve Kaeser Backgrounds & Accessories (*3000-WATT-COOL-FLO/Detail)