View Full Version : AE to FCP - hdv question

Trish Kerr
February 5th, 2009, 04:49 PM
I'm creating animated titles in AE and am planning to import into FCP - hdv 24 - this is my first time and want to get it right

I checked around to various sites looking for pixel dimension options and got a few different answers
I read in one post that for static graphics 1920x1080 is the way to go - but it wasn't clear on moving imagery

Is there any difference/advantage to creating the animated graphics in 1440x1080 (1.33) over 1920x1080 (sq) ?

I've created a test with the 1440 and it looks good rendered in fcp - but have yet to test output to a dvd

For output from AE - I went with animation, 24fps, best quality, millions of colours

any insight would be great


Tripp Woelfel
February 5th, 2009, 07:57 PM
I have CS3PP and that's the way I do it when I don't use Dynamic Link. I've not had an issue with the results yet.

Trish Kerr
February 6th, 2009, 04:09 AM
Well I guess I'll keep going then : )

to add to that spec for anyone else's reference - do the render in render queue - rgb + alpha - straight (unmatted)


Jon Shohet
February 8th, 2009, 06:30 AM
As far as compression, animation - best - millions of colours - straight (unmatted) is a good way to go.

All CG content, regardless whether it's 2d, 3d, static or animated, is generated in square pixels, so ideally your comp settings should be 1920x1080 square PAR.
Otherwise, you are basically creating a source with reduced vertical resolution for no real reason (1440 vs 1920).
If your final output from FCP will be 1440 1.33 par, it probably doesn't really matter. But if at any point you may need to output a 1920x1080 master or intermediate render, you are better off creating the 1920 square PAR comp in the first place.

In any case, it's very important to be aware of the "Toggle Pixel Aspect Ratio Correction" button at the right-bottom of the composition viewer panel.
Do a quick test - in a 1440 1.33 PAR comp, with the button toggled OFF, create by hold-shift-and-drag a perfect circle or square. Notice that AE actually creates a squashed shape. That's because it's still working in it's native square pixels, but compensating the shape for the 1.33 PAR. Now toggle the button ON, and your shape is a perfect circle/square. That's how it will appear in your editor, assuming it correctly interprets the 1.33 PAR.
So if you are working in a non square PAR comp, it's very important that you check your work with pixel aspect ratio correction turned on, otherwise you may get unexpected stretched graphics.

One final thought... Will stretched, non-square PAR graphics potentially exhibit more aliasing\jaggies than square PAR ones? I'm really not sure on this one, does anyone know?

Trish Kerr
February 8th, 2009, 07:01 PM
thanks for all the info

I hadn't thought about going out to 1920 at some point

I too, was wondering if there would be any extra jaggies with one version over the other - that why I thought if I stuck to the exact resolution as the footage it might be safer


Jonathan Bufkin
February 9th, 2009, 02:40 AM
If you are not happy with the results then try these settings. These are what I use in CS3:
1. "HDTV 1080" comp setting preset with the desired frame rate
2. when rendering I change the output module settings to "ProRes HQ" by clicking on format options

There maybe a better option but I am completely satisfied with these settings on both text and pics.

Dan Quintero
February 9th, 2009, 01:00 PM
Normally I export final 16:9 HD animations using the "HDTV 1080 29.97" composition setting. You can always change the frame rate to match your other footage.

Sometimes, depending on what the projects being used for, I'll toggle my AE comp between 1440x1080 (4:3) and 1920x1080 (16:9), to keep it title safe, and put it back to 1920x1080 for the final render.

For the render:
Current frames per second
Millions Colors Plus
Quality - Best

RGB+Alpha if you need the invisible alpha channel... Remember to put the color to "Straight (unmatted)," otherwise Gradients to Alpha get funky looking.
If you don't need an alpha channel, RGB, millions of colors, with color set to "pre-multiplied (matted)"

I would try to sync it with the original footage, or do a sound design in another program for the best results.

No compression

Hope this helps.

FYI, most of my animation experience revolves around HDV (1440x1080 anamoprhic) footage in Final Cut Pro.