View Full Version : "Art History" Trailer now up .. shot with DVX

Jarred Land
September 9th, 2003, 01:04 PM
Hey guys.. Trailer for Art History is now online.


Hi-Rez Windows Media 9

Art History website :

Whadda Think? The trailer video has not been modified from the master.. i.e no color etc. All looks where done with filters on camera.

Rob Lohman
September 9th, 2003, 01:25 PM
That is looking very impressive! Wow.

Keith Loh
September 9th, 2003, 01:47 PM
Count me also impressed.

Mark Monciardini
September 9th, 2003, 07:21 PM
Wow looks great Jarred. Finally some really good work with the DVX. Although you guys have quite a crew too. I'll be the first person watching the whole film.

Ok first I would like to know where I can get a matte box like the one you guys used on this film. 2nd can you share how you created the "orange" look on many of the shots. And 3rd can you tell us what the budget was for this film?

Great work.

Jarred Land
September 9th, 2003, 07:34 PM
Hey, first off I can't take any credit for the look as the DP Todd Williams was responsible for that.. the guy is a ninja.

As for the Mattebox, it was an arri 6x6 with a 4 stage and a 6 stage filter rack, on a short and long pair of rails. You can goto and look it up, the setup we used cost about $10,000 for just the mattebox and rails.

We had a Anamorphic adapter (panasonic) a follow focus unit and some hand grips as well.

The filters used where a combination of Yellow, Chocolate, a +3 and +5 ultra con, we had a center spot and a couple ND's as well that didnt really get used.

Budget, well I will try and get the Producer/Director/Writer Nick over here to talk about that.

Jarred Land
September 9th, 2003, 07:55 PM
why was this moved?...?

Chris Hurd
September 9th, 2003, 08:46 PM
I moved it -- this section is "DV for the Masses," to showcase projects such as yours which are intended for public distribution in one form or another. There's a re-direct from the DVX100 technical discussion forum, so anybody looking where you originally posted will always see it in there, also. It's like getting more than double the exposure with a single post... a lot more people will see it here, as it's a very stylish and well done piece that will appeal to a broad majority of our members, not just the DVX users. Plus, with the re-direct link behind it, you get around our no-crossposting rule with even better results. By the way, that's one heck of a nice looking trailer, not to mention the site (mmm... yellow). Hope this helps,

Jarred Land
September 9th, 2003, 08:51 PM
well thanks Chris.. I was a little confused what was going on. And thanks for the compliments!

Charles Papert
September 9th, 2003, 08:57 PM
Looks fabulous Jarred. Great job. My compliments to the DP.

Nick Bicanic
September 9th, 2003, 11:07 PM
Whatever budget we had is not a true reflection of how much things actually cost - point being - while I can of course disclose the number of dollars that were actualy spent...

if you try to do the same thing for the same number of dollars - I can't guarantee that you will succeed.

And yes I'm talking about deferrals, deals, favours, negotiations, cajoling, manipulating, inspiring, listening, leading (oops wait I think they call it producing) etc etc etc.

This cost $10,000 CDN - which is what like $7,300 USD.

It was a 4 day shoot.

Everybody was happy on set.

Beat that.


Jarred Land
September 9th, 2003, 11:12 PM
I wasnt happy... lol... just kidding :)

Its all about the food... you get good food and it makes the difference. Good food and great people.. that is the ticket.

Mark Monciardini
September 10th, 2003, 12:09 AM
What kind of food did you eat???

Nick Bicanic
September 10th, 2003, 12:16 AM
do you mean catering and craft services ?
we had a really cool craft services guy - who ran around on rollerblades quite often (you can see pictures of him on the site) and catering was provided by a local professional catering company


Jarred Land
September 10th, 2003, 12:31 AM
we had some of the best Chicken I ever have had one day.. and then there was some wierd stuff that was good that I probally woulda never touched in real life... real life? oh boy...

Mark Monciardini
September 10th, 2003, 12:58 AM
$10,000 for the mattebox setup? OH no problem. I'm going out tomorrow and buying one!

Thanks guys for the info. Looks like a much larger budget, you're right. I see you had the makeup artist in there and everything. Actually my wife is a pro at that stuff, I wonder if I could use her on my film. Bingo! hey it's all about favors right? haaa.

Ya I guess if we just break it down and put our minds together you would probably find more people willing to help on a film then you think. I hope I can create something comparable to what you guys did some day. And in 4 days??? wholly taleedo that's pretty darn fast. Wish I could of had some of that rollerblader chicken too. You guys should of called me!

Keep up the great work :-)

p.s. So what now, Sundance?

Nick Bicanic
September 10th, 2003, 01:59 AM
eventually sure - film festivals (or rather the decision to enter them) is a no-brainer...but we have some bigger things planned - not just for Art History...

taking over the world (when my DSL connection goes back up that is)


Gerald Lee
September 26th, 2003, 03:45 AM
That looks totally rad. I can't wait to see it!

Nick Bicanic
September 26th, 2003, 03:48 AM
glad you liked it


Matt Gettemeier
September 26th, 2003, 09:18 PM
Jarred and Nick. Veery nice... that is a sweet looking production without any visible weaknesses. Solid acting by a well-cast crew with good cinematography and story to back it up.

It was refreshing to stumble across this post tonight. I think I'll end my surfing on an up-note and make this my final input for one evening.

It's inspiring to see that this kind of work is possible with the camera that I couldn't really afford in the first place... I realize it's far more then that, but I'm a little burned out on seeing pretty amature stuff touted as great (mainly in my town)... sure there is lot's of other stuff on this site that's great, but this is probably the most "finished" work I've seen. I'm an OCD perfectionist and I can't find anything to criticise in that clip.

Nick Bicanic
September 26th, 2003, 10:05 PM
Thanks for the post - hopefully it will be even more impressive when we finish the edit and post.
The uncorrected rough cut trailer seems promising but we're trying to aim a lot higher...


Ted Springer
September 27th, 2003, 12:03 AM
Why does it have an MPAA greenband on it? You can get in trouble for using that if you or your studio are not a member of the MPAA.

Nick Bicanic
September 27th, 2003, 12:47 AM
it's obviously "styled" after the MPAA green band but it's actually the motion picture association of that would be MPAF - see


Kevin Lee
September 27th, 2003, 12:58 AM
Nice Stuff. Appreciate the high production values.
Just a question. Why did you guys not opt for any post colour correction/enhancement? (For my taste, i think some colour work would up the visual value further)

Nick Bicanic
September 27th, 2003, 01:19 AM
We are fully color correcting this on an Avid D|S

but this trailer was cut in 5 hours prior to the wrap party so I had to do it in a hurry - and I didn't put any colour correction into it...

rest assured - final output will look kick ass...

sorry I would have posted more info on this site - but there's a lot of it on

- under the screen grabs threads
