View Full Version : CS4 Windows Suite and Quicktime 7.6 warning

Battle Vaughan
January 31st, 2009, 10:56 PM
After I installed the new Quicktime 7.6 and its attending MPEG2 plugin, my Soundbooth, After Effects and Encore all began crashing on takeoff. I removed 7.6 and re-installed 7.4.1 (thankfully still on the Apple site, but I had to dig for it) and Soundbooth and After Effects came back...Encore still hangs up, however. YMMV, but seems like a good indication to wait until this settles out, it's happened with Quicktime updates before.../Battle Vaughan / video team

Ray Bell
February 2nd, 2009, 05:47 AM
Thanks for the post... My CS4 crashed this weekend and I spent two days working on it
until I finally just took it off of my computer... put CS3 back on and it seems to be working with the new QT.... what a waisted weekend though